All About the Queendom
4 min readJul 31, 2021


The bleeding time of your cycle is a powerful time to deeply connect to your intuition and Queenly wisdom. (If you have never bled or no longer bleed, the dark moon phase of your cycle has the same power.)

When you bleed, you get to know yourself … so, Lady Queen: Are you listening? Do you like what you hear?

In order to connect to your intuition, it’s vital to ensure your intuition has the space to express. By allowing yourself to be still during this dark part of your cycle, you can access that deep, open, quiet space within — this space allows you to receive information, to process it and express what feels right for the next step. And by cleansing your body and practicing meditation, this space can be amplified.

The good news is that you can develop intuition — in fact, you probably already use it to some extent without realising.

Intuition operates in each of you at different levels and degrees. This can range from basic and instinctual to complex and evolved conversations between you and your environment. You’ve probably had the sense of being stared at — this is, in essence, someone sending energy to you by looking at you, and it’s an example of your intuition at work.

Intuition can also be useful for your business life. Some of the best entrepreneurs are women, and recent research suggests that this is due to the intuitive capacity women are gifted with. This knowledge can transfer across to different parts of your life. It’s one of your Queenly superpowers! You can increase your ability to move beyond automatic reactions and perceptions by using your intuition.

A group of 30 repeat entrepreneurs in Iran took place in a study, done by the Heart Math Institute, which showed they tended to ‘rely strongly on their intuition when making important decisions for their businesses.’ ( These same studies also monitored their brain waves and showed that these entrepreneurs could pre-empt images that were being shown prior to seeing them.

There’s been a lot more conversation around entrepreneurs using intuition in business. For example, Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, says all his best decisions involved intuition, not analysis. Thankfully, people are starting to speak more openly about this gift.

Let’s look at two different types of intuition:

First up is Gut instinct:

When people say, ‘Trust your gut’, this is what they mean — this is the most well-known, mainstream form of intuition. This is more than just listening when your gut tells you she’s hungry and wants chocolate. (Although, if your gut is saying feed her chocolate, it’s probably best just to go ahead and do it.)

Gut instinct is simple and binary, which means it communicates through the sensation of opposites and uses basic language such as yes or no, stop or go, safe or unsafe to express its messages.

When gut instinct is working, it will answer questions like ‘Is this in my best interest?’ ‘Should I do this?’ and ‘Will this satisfy my deepest needs?’

Rather than complex question, it tends to answer simple ones. However, women easily move past this state and onto our second type of intuition…

Heart-based intelligence:

This is where it gets juicy, where as Lady Queens you use your cycles to dive deep into your inner knowing. The intelligence in your hearts encourages you to embrace courage, care, and compassion, use these qualities to communicate and connect with all other forms of life in your environment. It guides you say say or do the appropriate thing in times of need and allows you to communicate and connect in unspoken ways, bonding with people, animals, and places in indescribable ways, defying rational thought.

This type of intuition is more subtle, and prompts you to ask things like, ‘Is my life filled with beauty?’ ‘Do I love what I do?’ ‘How can I discover my joy?’ ‘What would I do if I were not afraid?’ These subtle sensations provide you with more complex answers.

Your intuition takes you to the next level when you are bleeding or in your dark moon phase. The wisdom that lives inside you and moves through you when you bleed is something to marvel at and honour.

You have a chance to slow, listen, and reconnect deeply to the Earth and your intuition in a magical way. The more still you are, the more you rest, the more information you release and receive about yourself and your life — a true gift.

