Rise, Priestess!!

All About the Queendom
5 min readNov 5, 2021

We’d like you to take a moment and consider the word ‘Priestess’. Think about what it meant in times gone by and what it means now. What do you see? A mysterious woman chanting an incantation on a moonlit hill? A gathering of women dancing around a bonfire? Flowing robes and magical spells? While we think that all sounds rather marvellous, the definition of Priestess is far simpler. A Priestess is a female priest of sorts that performed sacred rites. It’s such a beautiful word, ‘Priestess’. It represents blessed acts and a sense of power, beauty and respect that was given to women. Some of that sacred association has been lost over the years but the fact that you are here shows it is starting to return.

The story goes a little something like this …

History of the last 2,000 years has told women a very different story of suppression of female power. And in order to move on from the his-story, you need to own it, see it for what its influence has been on you, and then focus your sights firmly on where you actually want to go now.

Let’s look at the his-story of the last 2,000 years — the abbreviated version — and look at where you are and how you can rise a Priestess (flowing robes optional).

His-tory has told you that women have experienced periods of almost regression from what is in fact your true nature — living powerfully and passionately as a beautiful Goddess. (Say ‘Amen’, sisters!) If you’ve read Pussy, you might remember reading about this.

There was definitely a huge liberation point when women entered the workforce. But that liberation ironically tossed women more deeply into the masculine world of physical labour and competition. This emergence into the workplace did become a catalyst for us to open up a new world of choices, which was powerful for women as we had been more secluded at home and repressed, but at what cost?

You have been taught how to subdue your feminine power, feelings, emotions, desires and intuition and operate from a more male perspective, solely from the. mind. As you’ve attempted to become empowered, you’ve landed in a battle between your two sides. We have learnt and been conditioned even as women being ‘more male’ or ‘more mind’ is the most powerful in life.

Male attributes that woman often aspire to are things like measurable goals, attaining physical property, competition to be the best, and obsession with individuality. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with any of these things, but as a Goddess, your core is made up of other delicious attributes — love, caring, nurture, passion, and being led by your desires.

We’ve been told the male was ‘better’, and because of the facts and figures and physical evidence, it was ‘right’. And we’ve been told the female was ‘not quite right/enough/useful’– it was too vague and ‘emotional’ — when, in fact, that energy of desire is where your juicy magic as a woman lives. This is where you can start to transmit this magic and become a Priestess.

A classic example of suppressing feminine power is in the Bible. The only women in the Bible are either virgins, whores or mothers, never Priestesses (unless you read the Naghamadi scrolls, and we will touch on that wisdom in a moment) — never powerful and always subject to the men in those stories.

Does your society’s his-tory, as women, solely reflect a repressive culture? Or is it that the his-tory we have been taught directs you towards that way of thinking?

Regardless, now is the time to start to change your thinking, feeling and story about what it means to be female.

If you have read the Naghamadi Scrolls you would learn a different story, a Her-Story

The Naghamadi Scrolls speak about Mary Magdalene being Jesus’s partner — equal and even honoured as High Priestess, recognised for her strong female embodiment. And how them being together was a powerful force.

Yet when the whole Jesus story was written down fully (supposedly) 300 years after the fact (by men), many of the stories of Mary Magdalene and Jesus were removed in order to portray a subdued/submissive feminine energy, or an unruly and crazy unbalanced feminine energy. No mention of Sisterhoods or Priestesses — an act which the Christian church has now admitted to and apologised for publicly (about time, we say!).

The Goddess disappeared and the Priestess Fell … and now, she is rising!

As women, your ancestors lost their tribe; and, without you realising it, this loss has led you now as modern women to feel unsafe with each other, around men, and in society as a whole. It’s caused a distrust of yourself, of your body and of each other that we are still recovering from.

You know that statement, I am not enough … well, that comes from a disconnection from your inner Goddess!

You obviously have the power to shift and change this story and put it through a pleasure lens of magic and female wonder. In part, you are already part of that story change because you are here, now, reading this article. Thank you for being on this journey with us.

Things that still need to shift would be the old thoughtforms, like feeling jealous, competitive or less-than around any other women … in obvious ways or in subtle ways. Take Facebook or an Instagram post, for example: you see one of these and if you are disconnected from your inner Goddess, you compare yourself and come away feeling inadequate.

We are speaking about the connection and gift of Sisterhood: the elephant in the room is competition based on our differences.

Lady Queens, if we can learn to adjust our pleasure lens towards admiration, celebration and joy in ourselves for who we are (allowing, embracing and acknowledging pleasure in our lives) and doing the same for other women, we can have a profound impact on all women: the woman in us and the women around us.

Let’s you and I face this one and then fully focus in on where we would like to find ourselves with Sisterhood — admiration and celebration.

