Destination: Your Queendom

All About the Queendom
5 min readMar 7, 2022


Lady Queens, here is something delicious to consider: when you embrace and live in pleasure in your business, you create structure for your Queenly Creativity to shine in all its majesty. That’s right: pleasure is beneficial for your business. How magical is that?! An easy yet powerful way to do this is by using the seasons of the year, choosing something to bring to life in each season, in the most pleasurable way possible.

Begin by redefining your year: instead of having a single project for one year, your 12 months become four 12-week segments. By having one project per season, you’re able to start and finish projects with vibrancy and momentum. You can ask yourself, “What project shall I birth in the next 12 weeks? There is no pressure, no rush — only the possibility of what magic you choose to weave. You’ll feel fully supported and paced, and by engaging with the right project at the right time of year, you’ll be feeling turned on and juicy all year long. And we all want to feel juicy, right, Queens?

By allowing for your personal queenly cycles within each season, you can make the most of your weeks. Resting and digesting when you need to and being productive when you’re feeling your most motivated brings a layer of delicious into your lives — including your business!


As women, it’s known worldwide the power we have to multitask, which is why limiting ourselves to one project each year is, well, limiting. I know for me multiple ideas come in all the time, and there are many projects I want to embark on. And then I sit with my Pussy and check in about which ones to put my magic into at which time. What we’re going to share with you today is a way to support you to bring those projects fully into the physical and see your Queendom embodied.

So, how do you do this? You create your Queendom Map. This is a 12-week process to explore, nourish, and honor yourself and your business, and it’s based in pleasure. Lady Queen, we are here to inspire you to claim your crown in all aspects of your Queenly life.

And being a Queen is all about the power of feminine leadership.

Mama Gena, the author of Pussy, defines that leadership in this beautiful poem:

Feminine leadership DREAMS THE DESTINATION; it is visionary.

Feminine leadership trusts.

Feminine leadership prioritizes the experience over the route.

Feminine leadership may be quiet or even silent; it creates space for reflection.

Feminine leadership shares power.

Feminine leadership seeks knowledge from the community.

Feminine leadership is mission-driven.

Feminine leadership recognizes intuition.

Feminine leadership is at home in a circle.

And a feminine leader? Wears whatever the f@ck she wants, sisters.

– Mama Gena

Keeping these delicious qualities in mind, plan what your next 12-week season will look like. Use a journal, placing it somewhere close to hand — this is your Queendom Map.

To create your map, ask yourself:

Have I acted from a place of pleasure and desire in my business today, this week, this month?

How can I add more space to replenish and restore myself in my working days?

The answers to these questions are like fabric or a tapestry, with each answer or thread interweaving to form a bigger design. This weaving empowers your workflow to work effortlessly for you, keeping you moving from pleasure all year long.

Your 12-week mapping process

Give yourself the time you deserve as you map out your next 12 weeks. Base your plans on your desires, both for your life and your business. Your monthly cycle can guide you towards a rhythm or pace that works best for you as you choose what tasks to accomplish.

This should be a pleasurable experience. Take the time to envision your Queendom in detail. Start with 10 years from now: What will your life look like when you live fully in your Queendom? Dream big, and find peace in knowing that this can take time, so there’s no rush. Pace is everything.

Now, think ahead five years: What would allow you to know you were halfway to your Queendom?

Then bring it in a bit closer, thinking one year from now: What dreams and desires would let you know you were on the right path towards building your Queendom?

Bring it closer still, to this next season, your next 12 weeks: What exciting, delicious step would bring you closer to your year’s desires?

And NOW: What one thing can you start doing each day, in the most pleasurable way you can imagine, that will move you in the direction of your desires?

The key thing to remember is to ask yourself the right guiding questions. Instead of asking for “better” answers, ask the right quality of questions. Explore and get curious, tune into your intuition through connecting to your body — especially your Pussy. Make sure to listen to her. Once you’re feeling tuned in, get journally with the questions below, and keep the answers somewhere you can see them every day. These answers will stoke your inner fire and keep your cauldron bubbling strong.

BREATHE and feel into your body as you write answers to the following questions:

Why are you working?

Who do you desire to be working with?

What sort of environment brings you joy?

What kind of lifestyle do you desire?

What kind of income allows you to feel secure?

This practice should feel delicious and exciting. Check in with your Pussy. You should feel juicy and turned on. Are you feeling these things? We certainly hope so, otherwise, try this practice again, and be more honest this time! The goal here is pleasure — always pleasure.

Over the coming weeks, review these answers, and use them as a guide while creating your Queendom Map, the map to your desires.

Follow that map, Lady Queens, and watch the magic unfold!

In the meantime, stay connected, juicy, and playful, and we’ll see you next time!

